Privately-funded healthcare

Wellbeing benefits programs

Teeth care plans

Private Medical Care


Offering for-profit healthcare is a reflection of your commitment to your employees’ overall health and well-being.

For your team's health and well-being

Provide your employees with the advantage of fast medical attention, free from long waits. By offering for-profit healthcare, you’re investing in both their health and the productivity of your business. Shorter waiting times, access to specialists, and top-tier facilities help your team return to work refreshed and focused, reducing absenteeism and minimizing disruptions.

Market insight:

As the for-profit healthcare sector expands in the UK, more companies are seeing the benefits of providing prompt medical care for their teams.

Our partners:


On-demand Access

Bypass the delays in NHS appointments.


Select from a diverse range of hospitals and specialists.


Experience state-of-the-art healthcare services with personalized care.

Employee Efficiency

Decrease absenteeism and elevate employee morale.

Loved Ones

Secure the future of your loved ones.

Wellness Benefit Plans


Foster proactive health management using versatile health benefit plans.

Empower health choices:

Health is complex, and preventive care plays a crucial role. Health and wellness reimbursement plans empower your employees to take control of their health. These plans cover a wide range of treatments, from routine care to alternative therapies, ensuring your team has the flexibility to choose the best options for their well-being.

Market insight:

Cash plans are on the rise in the UK, offering employees the flexibility to manage their own health care.

Our partners:


Basic Healthcare

Finance the costs of regular health assessments.


Give employees the freedom to select their health priorities.

Team Spirit Lift

Affirm your investment in their overall well-being.

Next of Kin

Guard the future of your loved ones.

Employee Dental Programs


Promote a proactive approach to health with customizable health benefit plans.

Smiles matter

Health is complex, and preventive care plays a crucial role. Wellness reimbursement plans enable your employees to take charge of their health proactively. These plans cover a wide range of treatments, from regular care to alternative therapies, ensuring your team can select the options that best support their well-being.

Market insight:

Health benefit plans are gaining momentum in the UK, offering employees the flexibility to manage their own health care.

Our partners:


Extensive Coverage

From standard check-ups to complex treatments.

Workplace Health

Oral care directly affects general health.

Alluring Offer

Strengthen your benefits offering.